Opinion by Sarwar Kashmeri
Chinese and German companies bid for Italian port. Who won?
POLARIS-LIVE Tuesday 17 November 2020. 1130-1200 hours U.S. EST (Trieste 1730; Shanghai 0030)
With Francisco Stanislao Parisi, CEO, Francisco Parisi Group, in a live conversation with Sarwar Kashmeri, host, Polaris-Live

China is an aggressive acquirer of European ports. It is hard to win against Chinese companies’ drive and resources. Or so we are led to believe. So, when an a German company recently scored a win against a Chinese competitor for an Italian seaport terminal, it was big news!
Please go here to view this live interview with guest, Francesco Stanislao Parisi as he and Sarwar Kashmeri unpack the meaning of this deal for Italy, the EU, and China.
(The video will be available on the Polaris-Live playlist You Tube channel after the live conversation.)