Opinion by Sarwar Kashmeri
Will China Eclipse U.S. Sea Power in the Indo-Pacific?
POLARIS-LIVE: Wednesday 2 December 2020. 0930-1000 EST (Brussels 1530; Beijing 2230)
With Toshi Yoshihara, in a live conversation with Sarwar Kashmeri, host, Polaris-Live

“Toshi Yoshihara, Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments. One of America’s leading Naval strategists offers his views on what should be U.S. strategy towards China now that America is no longer the dominant sea-power in the Indo-Pacific.”
Please go here to view this live interview with guest, Toshi Yoshihara as he and Sarwar Kashmeri discuss the impact of China’s Naval superiority in its seas.”
(The video will be available on the Polaris-Live playlist You Tube channel after the live conversation.)