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Mar • AprMayJulSep • Oct


March 20th 11:00 AM EST – Jorge Heine – Role for Latin America In U.S.-China Competition?

Ambassador Jorge Heine is a lawyer, IR scholar and diplomat with a special interest in the international politics of the Global South. Ambassador Heine is Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.

The global landscape is shifting as the power dynamics between Latin America, U.S., and China continue to evolve. These changes are reshaping the world order and influencing international relations on a grand scale.

Will the the countries of Latin America with a population of over 430 million people, have to choose between the two superpowers? How will China and the U.S. fine-tune their strategies to accommodate the impact of technology and the emergence of the global south? What will be the impact of this shift in global geostrategic balance on the existing Western-led global order?

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April 2nd 9:30 AM EDT – Luv Puri – India’s Bollywood elections – Donald Trump’s envy!

India’s Bollywood elections must be the envy of Donald Trump — Lock up the opposition and freeze its bank accounts–the “largest democracy in the world” goes to the poll in a Bollywood inspired election that is about to roll across India.
A frank appraisal of a fast changing India from an international, experienced Indian observer.

Luv Puri has been working in the field of International Affairs for two-decades, both as a practitioner and an analyst. He was with the UN Department of Political Affairs for ten years, during which period he worked at the highest levels of multilateral diplomacy, including as part of the Secretary-General’s Good Offices. He started his career working with the widely-read and respected daily, The Hindu where he reported on conflict areas with a focus on issues related to Human Rights for several years. In 2006, he won the European Commission Award for Human Rights and Democracy.

At present, he is a columnist on International Affairs for several widely-read publications ( Puri). He has authored two books, including -“Across the Line of Control” -, published by Columbia University Press. and was a Fulbright Scholar from 2008-10. He did his Masters in New York University.

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April 16th 9:30 AM EDT – Aminda Smith – Is China’s “Communism”, really Communism?

The Chinese Communist Party governs the country from each village and city building to the very top of the country’s power structure. The CCP has the authority to preside over the government’s decisions at both central and local levels. Unlike the Soviet Union, however, China is largely a free-market economy that produces as many billionaires as does the U.S. How well does the U.S. understand the CCP? Does this lack of understanding prohibit better relations between the two superpowers?

Dr. Aminda Smith is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Michigan State University. She is a historian specializing in modern Chinese history with a particular interest in the social and cultural history of Chinese Communism. She serves as co-director of the PRC History Group, an international scholarly organization dedicated to increasing research and knowledge on the People’s Republic of China. Dr. Smith has written widely on the global histories of the Chinese Communist Party and Maoism.

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May 2nd 12:30 PM EDT – FPA-Burkle Center/UCLA dialogue on U.S. – China Relations

In a pivotal series of discussions underwritten by the Annenberg Foundation, that could reshape U.S.-China relations, American and Canadian experts, on both sides of the political spectrum, convened in Los Angeles last week in the first ever Burkle Center/UCLA and Foreign Policy Association conference. Success in building consensus was not guaranteed, but was accomplished. We speak with the Director of the Burkle Center and a key participant to understand why and highlight key recommendations.

Professor Kal Raustiala
Promise Institute Distinguished Professor of Comparative and International Law Director & UCLA Ronald W. Burkle Center for International Relations.

Mr. Chris Fenton
Founder, Fenton International Business Strategy & Communications.

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May 14th 9:30 PM EDT – T.V. Paul – India, Perpetual Great Power in Waiting?

Along with the meteoric rise of China, there has been much interest in the emergence of India, as a rising power with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The rapidly developing US-China rivalry gives India an added importance in world politics today as India is perhaps the only swing power that can help balance China’s potentially aggressive rise in the Indo-Pacific region. That, at least, is what the U.S. believes and has made this goal one of its central strategic planks for the Indio-Pacific.

Is this American vision but a dream? Given India’s enduring friendship with Russia as demonstrated by its refusal to toe the U.S. line in the Russia-Ukraine war and its growing trade relationship with China in spite of the Himalaya military clashes between the two Asian nations.

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July 11th 9:30 PM EDT – Ankit Panda, U.S. & China – Wooing the Global South

Ankit Panda is the Stanton Senior Fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. An expert on the Asia-Pacific region, his research interests include nuclear strategy, arms control, missile defense, nonproliferation, emerging technologies, and U.S. extended deterrence.

He has consulted for the United Nations in New York and Geneva on nonproliferation and disarmament matters, and has testified on security topics before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee and the congressionally chartered U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

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July 23rd 9:30 PM EDT – Jeffrey Reeves, NATO Should Stay out of Asia

Since identifying China as a “systemic challenge” in its 2022 Strategic Concept, NATO has been pursuing closer strategic and operational relations with Japan, Australia, South Korea, and New Zealand, collectively known as its Indo-Pacific Four (IP4) The prospect of a NATO+IP4 security regime is deeply problematic. Asian states, including those with close ties to Europe and the United States, would likely see a formal NATO+IP4 security structure more as a Western provocation rather than a defensive alliance.

Jeffrey Reeves is Associate Professor at the U.S. Naval War College, Naval Postgraduate School, and Senior Washington Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy. He specializes in Asian security, political economics, strategy foreign policy, and economic statecraft. Published extensively in leading academic journals including China Quarterly, Washington Quarterly, International Relations of the Asia Pacific, and Journal of Contemporary Chinese Studies.

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September 3rd 9:30 PM EDT – Pamela Crossley, U.S. Presidential elections and China, Great Expectations?

The 2024 Presidential election in the United States is full of profound unknowns, especially for the world’s other superpower: the People’s Republic of China.
Does China’s centuries long history offer clues to how it might be preparing to deal with the unpredictable turn of events that the American system has thrown up. A wrong guess in China will have profound consequences for China, for China-U.S. relations, and for the world.

Professor Pamela Crossley is one of the world’s leading historians of modern China, northern Asia, and global history. She is a specialist in the history of China’s last empire, the Qing, but has written books on early modern and modern Chinese history, Central Asian history, and global history. Her work is widely published both in scholarly journals and in newspapers, and magazines for the general public. Crossley is author of The Wobbling Pivot: China since 1800: An Interpretive History (2010), as well as influential studies of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911) and leading textbooks in global history.

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September 10th 9:30 PM EDT – Shehzad Qazi, China’s Economy plans for U.S. Elections

How are China’s economic policy makers strategizing to prepare for the coming change in U.S. Administrations and how are they reacting to the dire forecasts from U.S. investment banks and market makers? How accurately do U.S. forecasters understand the state of China’s economy? Is the media focus on “overcapacity” warranted. Not too log ago China was described as the “mother of all investment opportunities.”

Mr. Qazi is the managing director of “China Beige Book.” As the firm-wide operations lead, Shehzad oversees product innovation, client services, new business acquisition, and corporate strategy at China Beige Book International.

Since 2012, Shehzad has helped develop data collection for the China Beige Book™ platform and supervised the analytics team. During this time, he has also designed innovative services and macro strategic and sectoral products for the firm’s financial markets and corporate clients.

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September 17th 9:30 PM EDT – Marc Chandler, China’s “overcapacity” paradox

One of the impressive sounding but dense buzzwords over the last year has been “overcapacity.” A constant refrain that China is unfairly overproducing and flooding the world with below cost goods and destroying jobs in the West. Western countries, led by America, have responded by resorting to more protectionist policies. But is the assumption and the strategy sound? Aren’t affordable goods good for people?

Mr. Chandler is Managing Director and Chief Market Strategist for Bannockburn Global Forex. He has covered global capital markets for more than 30 years.

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September 24th 8:30 PM EDT – Cameron Johnson, Business of U.S. and China is still Business

Is the economic picture in China as dire as the media reports? Why are rich Chinese leaving the country for safer havens in the West. How difficult is it for U.S. firms to set up a business in China. Is the geopolitically tense situation between the world’s two biggest economies causing lasting damage to the business relationship? What is polling of U.S. businesses in Shanghai and around China telling us about the future of the business relationship.

Mr. Johnson has 20+ years of management experience across various industries in China and has lived and done business in China for 20 years, in Beijing, Shanghai, Changchun, and Chongqing.

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Making The U.S. China Relationship Great Again Podcast

The relationship between the United States and China remains one of the most critical dynamics shaping our world today, with ripple effects that could lead to either global progress or conflict. Listen to this podcast featuring Sarwar Kashmeri.

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Groundbreaking Dialogue Could Open New Avenues for U.S.- China Relations

In a pivotal series of discussions that could reshape the landscape of international relations, North American experts convened to explore significant enhancements in cultural, educational, and governmental exchanges between the two nations. This comprehensive dialogue, aimed at fostering mutual understanding and cooperation, promises a new era in U.S.-China relations.

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Polaris Blog

PolarisLive 2024 Events

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Mar • AprMayJulSep • Oct


March 20th 11:00 AM EST – Jorge Heine – Role for Latin America In U.S.-China Competition?

Ambassador Jorge Heine is a lawyer, IR scholar and diplomat with a special interest in the international politics of the Global South. Ambassador Heine is Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.

The global landscape is shifting as the power dynamics between Latin America, U.S., and China continue to evolve. These changes are reshaping the world order and influencing international relations on a grand scale.

Will the the countries of Latin America with a population of over 430 million people, have to choose between the two superpowers? How will China and the U.S. fine-tune their strategies to accommodate the impact of technology and the emergence of the global south? What will be the impact of this shift in global geostrategic balance on the existing Western-led global order?

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April 2nd 9:30 AM EDT – Luv Puri – India’s Bollywood elections – Donald Trump’s envy!

India’s Bollywood elections must be the envy of Donald Trump — Lock up the opposition and freeze its bank accounts–the “largest democracy in the world” goes to the poll in a Bollywood inspired election that is about to roll across India.
A frank appraisal of a fast changing India from an international, experienced Indian observer.

Luv Puri has been working in the field of International Affairs for two-decades, both as a practitioner and an analyst. He was with the UN Department of Political Affairs for ten years, during which period he worked at the highest levels of multilateral diplomacy, including as part of the Secretary-General’s Good Offices. He started his career working with the widely-read and respected daily, The Hindu where he reported on conflict areas with a focus on issues related to Human Rights for several years. In 2006, he won the European Commission Award for Human Rights and Democracy.

At present, he is a columnist on International Affairs for several widely-read publications ( Puri). He has authored two books, including -“Across the Line of Control” -, published by Columbia University Press. and was a Fulbright Scholar from 2008-10. He did his Masters in New York University.

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April 16th 9:30 AM EDT – Aminda Smith – Is China’s “Communism”, really Communism?

The Chinese Communist Party governs the country from each village and city building to the very top of the country’s power structure. The CCP has the authority to preside over the government’s decisions at both central and local levels. Unlike the Soviet Union, however, China is largely a free-market economy that produces as many billionaires as does the U.S. How well does the U.S. understand the CCP? Does this lack of understanding prohibit better relations between the two superpowers?

Dr. Aminda Smith is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Michigan State University. She is a historian specializing in modern Chinese history with a particular interest in the social and cultural history of Chinese Communism. She serves as co-director of the PRC History Group, an international scholarly organization dedicated to increasing research and knowledge on the People’s Republic of China. Dr. Smith has written widely on the global histories of the Chinese Communist Party and Maoism.

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May 2nd 12:30 PM EDT – FPA-Burkle Center/UCLA dialogue on U.S. – China Relations

In a pivotal series of discussions underwritten by the Annenberg Foundation, that could reshape U.S.-China relations, American and Canadian experts, on both sides of the political spectrum, convened in Los Angeles last week in the first ever Burkle Center/UCLA and Foreign Policy Association conference. Success in building consensus was not guaranteed, but was accomplished. We speak with the Director of the Burkle Center and a key participant to understand why and highlight key recommendations.

Professor Kal Raustiala
Promise Institute Distinguished Professor of Comparative and International Law Director & UCLA Ronald W. Burkle Center for International Relations.

Mr. Chris Fenton
Founder, Fenton International Business Strategy & Communications.

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May 14th 9:30 PM EDT – T.V. Paul – India, Perpetual Great Power in Waiting?

Along with the meteoric rise of China, there has been much interest in the emergence of India, as a rising power with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The rapidly developing US-China rivalry gives India an added importance in world politics today as India is perhaps the only swing power that can help balance China’s potentially aggressive rise in the Indo-Pacific region. That, at least, is what the U.S. believes and has made this goal one of its central strategic planks for the Indio-Pacific.

Is this American vision but a dream? Given India’s enduring friendship with Russia as demonstrated by its refusal to toe the U.S. line in the Russia-Ukraine war and its growing trade relationship with China in spite of the Himalaya military clashes between the two Asian nations.

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July 11th 9:30 PM EDT – Ankit Panda, U.S. & China – Wooing the Global South

Ankit Panda is the Stanton Senior Fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. An expert on the Asia-Pacific region, his research interests include nuclear strategy, arms control, missile defense, nonproliferation, emerging technologies, and U.S. extended deterrence.

He has consulted for the United Nations in New York and Geneva on nonproliferation and disarmament matters, and has testified on security topics before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee and the congressionally chartered U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

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July 23rd 9:30 PM EDT – Jeffrey Reeves, NATO Should Stay out of Asia

Since identifying China as a “systemic challenge” in its 2022 Strategic Concept, NATO has been pursuing closer strategic and operational relations with Japan, Australia, South Korea, and New Zealand, collectively known as its Indo-Pacific Four (IP4) The prospect of a NATO+IP4 security regime is deeply problematic. Asian states, including those with close ties to Europe and the United States, would likely see a formal NATO+IP4 security structure more as a Western provocation rather than a defensive alliance.

Jeffrey Reeves is Associate Professor at the U.S. Naval War College, Naval Postgraduate School, and Senior Washington Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy. He specializes in Asian security, political economics, strategy foreign policy, and economic statecraft. Published extensively in leading academic journals including China Quarterly, Washington Quarterly, International Relations of the Asia Pacific, and Journal of Contemporary Chinese Studies.

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September 3rd 9:30 PM EDT – Pamela Crossley, U.S. Presidential elections and China, Great Expectations?

The 2024 Presidential election in the United States is full of profound unknowns, especially for the world’s other superpower: the People’s Republic of China.
Does China’s centuries long history offer clues to how it might be preparing to deal with the unpredictable turn of events that the American system has thrown up. A wrong guess in China will have profound consequences for China, for China-U.S. relations, and for the world.

Professor Pamela Crossley is one of the world’s leading historians of modern China, northern Asia, and global history. She is a specialist in the history of China’s last empire, the Qing, but has written books on early modern and modern Chinese history, Central Asian history, and global history. Her work is widely published both in scholarly journals and in newspapers, and magazines for the general public. Crossley is author of The Wobbling Pivot: China since 1800: An Interpretive History (2010), as well as influential studies of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911) and leading textbooks in global history.

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September 10th 9:30 PM EDT – Shehzad Qazi, China’s Economy plans for U.S. Elections

How are China’s economic policy makers strategizing to prepare for the coming change in U.S. Administrations and how are they reacting to the dire forecasts from U.S. investment banks and market makers? How accurately do U.S. forecasters understand the state of China’s economy? Is the media focus on “overcapacity” warranted. Not too log ago China was described as the “mother of all investment opportunities.”

Mr. Qazi is the managing director of “China Beige Book.” As the firm-wide operations lead, Shehzad oversees product innovation, client services, new business acquisition, and corporate strategy at China Beige Book International.

Since 2012, Shehzad has helped develop data collection for the China Beige Book™ platform and supervised the analytics team. During this time, he has also designed innovative services and macro strategic and sectoral products for the firm’s financial markets and corporate clients.

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September 17th 9:30 PM EDT – Marc Chandler, China’s “overcapacity” paradox

One of the impressive sounding but dense buzzwords over the last year has been “overcapacity.” A constant refrain that China is unfairly overproducing and flooding the world with below cost goods and destroying jobs in the West. Western countries, led by America, have responded by resorting to more protectionist policies. But is the assumption and the strategy sound? Aren’t affordable goods good for people?

Mr. Chandler is Managing Director and Chief Market Strategist for Bannockburn Global Forex. He has covered global capital markets for more than 30 years.

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September 24th 8:30 PM EDT – Cameron Johnson, Business of U.S. and China is still Business

Is the economic picture in China as dire as the media reports? Why are rich Chinese leaving the country for safer havens in the West. How difficult is it for U.S. firms to set up a business in China. Is the geopolitically tense situation between the world’s two biggest economies causing lasting damage to the business relationship? What is polling of U.S. businesses in Shanghai and around China telling us about the future of the business relationship.

Mr. Johnson has 20+ years of management experience across various industries in China and has lived and done business in China for 20 years, in Beijing, Shanghai, Changchun, and Chongqing.

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U.S.- China Relations A Foreign Policy Association Broadcast

The event is the Dame Jillian Sackler Distinguished Lecture on U.S.-China Relations. We are joined by Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy, former United States Ambassador to China; Dr. Paul G. Clifford, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Havard Kennedy School; and Professor Sarwar Kashmeri; FPA Fellow and author of The Telegram II: The Business of America and China is Business.

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Polaris Blog

Polaris Live: September, October and November 2023 Schedule

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November 7th 9:00 AM EDT – Flora Huang – A new pathway to investing in China

As more investors and novice corporate finance executives outside China begin to begin their journey tapping into China’s long term growth, and Chinese investors into investment opportunities in the West, they will likely want to know more how about a novel channel – Stock Connect. – and its implications on local and global financial markets.

This significant and timely book explores a novel market mechanism, Stock Connect, which gives mutual market access to Chinese and international investors, and provides original analyses and fresh insights. This mechanism could become the new normal in future global financial integration.

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November 17th 9:15 AM EDT – ZHA Daojiong – China Expert Views Joe Biden-Xi Jinping Meeting

Two Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, will meet Wednesday 15 November for their most consequential diplomatic rendezvous in many years.

The world has many questions for them including:

“Whether the United States and China are inevitably cruising toward confrontation or whether the two countries can strike some balance between engagement and competition, and, in the process, bring stability to the world.

The U.S. hopes to resume military communications that were broken off last year and China hopes that the U.S. will emphatically recognize Beijing as the sole government of China.

“But, there is hope”

“We have a $700 billion trading relationship with China. The vast majority — 99 percent of that — has nothing to do with export controls,” Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary, told CNN this weekend.

“Xi told a visiting U.S. congressional delegation last month that there were “a thousand reasons to make U.S.- China relations better, and no reason to make them worse (Slate Magazine.)

Still, China’s economy is stumbling and Xi Jinping could use some U.S. help; meanwhile, Biden is in full election mode and could use some patience and understanding from China.

One of China’s most astute observers will provide Polaris Live viewers with an early China perspective on this meeting.

ZHA Daojiong

Professor of International Political Economy in the School of International Studies and the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development, Peking University, Beijing, China.

His areas of expertise include non-traditional security studies, international political economy and China’s international economic relations. His research publications cover such topics as energy, cross-boundary water management, development aid and public health, and international development cooperation. He also contributes opinion pieces in newspapers including the South China Morning Post. He studied at the University of Hawaii and the East West Center, where he earned a Doctorate in Political Science. Before joining the faculty of Peking University, he taught in the University of Macau, International University of Japan, Miyazaki International College, and Renmin University of China.

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November 17th 12:00 PM EDT – Bonnie Glaser – U.S. Expert Views Joe Bidenv-Xi Jinping Meeting

Two Presidents, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, met Wednesday 15 November for their most consequential diplomatic rendezvous in many years.

The world had many questions for them including:

The future of a their $700 billion trading relationship. Will it survive?

The future of Taiwan and the seas around China?

Will the two superpowers’ militaries ever return each others phone calls?

How much did this meeting accomplish?

China’s economy is stumbling and Xi Jinping could use some U.S. help; meanwhile, Joe Biden is in full election mode and could use some patience and understanding from China.

She is managing director of GMF’s Indo-Pacific program. She is also a nonresident fellow with the Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia, and a senior associate with the Pacific Forum. She is a co-author of US-Taiwan Relations: Will China’s Challenge Lead to a Crisis (Brookings Press, April 2023). She was previously senior adviser for Asia and the director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Glaser has worked at the intersection of Asia-Pacific geopolitics and US policy for more than three decades.

Ms. Glaser has published widely, including the Washington Quarterly, China Quarterly, Far Eastern Economic Review, and Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

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November 28th 9:30 AM EDT – Thomas Sherlock – Russia Through the eyes of President Putin

Why it is that in the war with Ukraine, even after the death of thousands of Russians servicemen and women, the Russian people have not overthrown Mr. Putin?

• Is the China/Russia partnership is an alliance of convenience? What is the glue that holds the alliance together. Is this alliance a permanent change in their relationship?

• Might it be possible, even after the horrors of this conflict, as part of a long-term settlement to this war to include Russia in a Europe-wide security compact?

• Was the Mid-East conflict a gift to Russia in that the West is more divided. How might the ME conflict impact the China/Russia compact?

Professor emeritus of political science at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. His writing does not represent the views of the U.S. government, the Department of the Army, or the U.S. Military Academy. Thomas’s opinion pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times (international edition), the Washington Post and other news outlets. He has served as a consultant or project manager for the Carnegie Council, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Open Society Foundations (Ukraine), and EUROCLIO in The Netherlands, among other institutions. He frequently conducts field research in post-Soviet space, including the supervision of large-N national surveys and focus groups in Russia.

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Polaris Blog

Polaris Live: May and June 2023 Schedule

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May 30th 11:00ET – Ho-Fung Hung – U.S. – China enmity? Blame the corporations

Ho-fung Hung is the Wiesenfeld professor in political economy at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of “Protest with Chinese Characteristics” and “Clash of Empires: From ‘Chimerica’ to the ‘New Cold War.”

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June 1st 09:30ET – Margaret McCuaig-Johnston – Canada and China in the 21st Century

Senior Fellow, Institute for Science, Society and Policy, University of Ottawa and the China Institute, University of Alberta
Over a 37-year government career, Margaret McCuaig-Johnston served at the assistant deputy minister level at Canada’s Department of Finance, Natural Resources Canada, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and has had senior management positions at Industry Canada, the Prime Minister’s National Advisory Board on Science and Technology, the Ministry of State for Science and Technology, and the Privy Council Office. For the last seven years of her government career, Margaret was a member of the Canada-China Joint Committee on Science and Technology. She has had close relations over the years with China on other matters such as energy technology, manufacturing, industrial development, industry associations, and think-tanks. She has visited China more than a dozen times since 1979.

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June 7th 09:30ET – Mark Deets – Losing African hearts and minds the American way

There was a time when Senegal was in the American camp. And then it was not. A first hand account of America’s loss of influence to China in Africa.

Professor Mark Deets of the American University in Cairo was a helicopter pilot and military attache in the Marine Corps before entering academia. His unusually powerful on the ground experience includes a first hand account of China replaced America in Senegal. He has a PhD from Cornell University. Served as a Foreign Service Officer in Senegal; U.S. Defense & Marine Attache to Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, and Cape Verde at the U.S. Embassy in Senegal.

As a US Navy pilot he flew Marine One–the U.S. President’s helicopter. And now teaches at Cairo University. He has written widely on African history and the African Nationalist experience.

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June 13th 10:00ET – Chas Freeman – Is U.S. strategy for China fit for purpose?

How is U.S. policy for China performing in the real world, to help America navigate these troubled geopolitical times. China seems to be moving into the cockpit to dominate geopolitics in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. And, in India, American objectives of adding India to America’s anti-China alliance seem to be imploding before they have even started. Where are U.S. strategists going wrong?

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Polaris Blog

Polaris Live: February, March and April 2023 Schedule

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Feb. 7th 09:30ET – Pamela Crossley – U.S. and China – Business and Business

DR. PAMELA CROSSLEY, Dartmouth College, is a specialist on the Qing empire and modern Chinese history, and also researches and writes on Central and Inner Asian history, global history, the history of horsemanship in Eurasia before the modern period, and the imperial sources of modern identities.

She is the author of eight books– including China’s Global Empire: Qing, 1636-1912,; Hammer and Anvil: Nomad Rulers at the Forge of the Modern World; The Wobbling Pivot: China since 1800; She has been widely published widely in the media and appears frequently in to provide her unique perspective to Polaris Live’s coverage of U.S. – China relations and their impact on the world.

She is the recipient of the prestigious Jerome Goldstein Award for Distinguished Teaching. Crossley is an original appointee of the Dartmouth Society of Fellows.

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Feb. 21st 09:30ET – James Ketterer–U.S. influence in Middle East

DR. JAMES KETTERER is Dean of the School of Continuing Education at the American University, Cairo, Egypt.. He previously served as Dean of International Studies at Bard College and Academic Director of the Bard Globalization and International Affairs program. and he taught in Bard’s Political Studies and Global and International Studies programs. Ketterer previously served as Egypt Country Director for AMIDEAST. Prior to that, he was Vice-Chancellor for Policy and Planning and Deputy Provost at the State University of New York (SUNY) where he also was the director of the Center for International Development.

In government, he served on the staff of the New York Commission on Higher Education, the National Security Council staff at the White House and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and  serves on the board of the Swedish Program at the Stockholm School of Economics, the organizing committee of the 2020 Transatlantic Dialogue at the University of Luxembourg and as a Senior Fellow at the Bard Center for Civic Engagement.

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Feb. 28th 08:00ET – Shan Weijian-U.S. company takes over Chinese Bank. Believe it!

“The Money Machine,” is Weijian Shan’s third book, based on his leading role in steering the take over of Shanghai Development Bank by an American Private Equity Company.

WEIJIAN SHAN is chairman and CEO of PAG, a private equity firm. Over more than 20 years in investing, he has led a number of landmark transactions across Asia. He holds an MA and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA from the University of San Francisco. Shan is the bestselling author of “Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America” and “Money Games: The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Korea’s Most Iconic Bank”, published in October 2020.

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Mar. 7th 09:30ET – Shehzad Qazi — Inside the Chinese economy post COVIC

Managing Director China Beige Book which provides institutional investors and corporate decision-makers with market leading insights derived directly from our nationwide proprietary data on the Chinese economy.

Shehzad oversees product innovation, client services, new business

acquisition, and corporate strategy at China Beige Book International. Since 2012, Shehzad has helped develop data collection for the China Beige Book™ platform and supervised the analytics team. He frequently appears on major national and international media.

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Mar. 14th 19:00ET – Rajat Ganguly – China’s ME diplomacy- Asian Perspectives

Rajat Ganguly is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( and a senior faculty member in International Relations and Security Studies at Murdoch University, Western Australia. He has held faculty positions in the UK and the U.S., and was a Visiting Research Fellow at McGill University in Canada. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of South Asian Development, South Asian Survey, and the Journal of North-East Indian Studies. He specializes in international relations and international security, particularly great power politics and interstate war, ethnic conflict and insurgency movements, terrorism and political violence, Indian foreign and security policy, and Asian international and strategic affairs.

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Mar. 21st 13:00ET – Mei Gechlik – Business, Law, and Politics in China

DR. MEI GECHLIK is Identified by The Women Leaders Magazine as one of the “20 Most Inspiring Women Leaders 2022“, Dr. Mei Gechlik founded SINOTALKS® after an extensive career in academia and leading policy think tanks. SINOTALKS® addresses the growing need for a trusted resource highlighting Chinese law and policy to help decision-makers around the world find strategic solutions to problems affecting China and beyond.

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Apr. 4th 08:00EDT – Dewi Fortuna Anwar – China’s diplomacy, an Asian perspective

China is fast deploying a forward leaning diplomacy to match its economic strength. Witness the recent diplomatic achievement by China of bringing Saudi Arabia and Iran together in the Middle East, traditionally an exclusively American area of influence. . How is this viewed from the perspective of Indonesia in particular and SE Asia in general ? The U.S. as a declining power relative to China?

Prof. Dewi Fortuna Anwar is Research Professor, Research Centre for Politics-National Research and Innovation Agency (PRP-BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia. She has written widely on Indonesia’s foreign policy, Indonesia’s democratization as well as on ASEAN and regional political and security issues. Dewi is a co-founder of the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) and sits in a number of national and international advisory boards. She is Chairman, Board of Directors, The Habibie Center, Academician, Social Science Commission-Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) and Co-Founder of the Foreign Policy Committee of Indonesia.

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Apr. 25th 09:30EDT – Michele Geraci – Will Italy Disconnect From China?

The Italian government of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni still has yet to decide whether to renew the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Rome and Beijing that is set to expire next year. Why? The lead architect of the MoU will give his opinion on this turn events.

The impact on Europe in general and Italy in particular of the recent diplomatic achievement by China of bringing Saudi Arabia and Iran together. What message did this send to the EU of America’s influence in the ME.


MICHELE GERACI is Head of China Economic Policy Program at Nottingham University Business School, Head of China at the Global Policy Institute, as well as Senior Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Finance at Zhejiang University. He has been living in China since 2008 and works as advisor to governments, corporations and investors, offering practical-oriented policy recommendations and investment advice. Topics of interest include monetary policy, income disparity, migration, urbanization and European crisis.

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